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HDFC Bank Ltd is a significant Indian monetary administrations organization situated in Mumbai. The Bank is an openly held financial organiz...

Friday, December 27, 2019

ITIN para pagar impuestos y desgravar sin Seguro Social

En Estados Unidos, el  ITIN es un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal. Es utilizado por extranjeros que no son elegibles para obtener un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social  (SSN, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). ITIN significa Nà ºmero de Identificacià ³n de Contribuyente Individual, por su nombre en inglà ©s, y se utiliza con dos fines distintos. En primer lugar, para pagar impuestos por los ingresos obtenidos en Estados Unidos. Las leyes federales establecen la obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos para  toda persona que recibe ingresos en el paà ­s sin que importe su estatus migratorio.     En segundo lugar, el ITIN sirve para identificar a cà ³nyuges e hijos dependientes que no tienen SSN para que las personas que pagan impuestos puedan desgravar por esos familiares. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los puntos bà ¡sicos del ITIN, quià ©nes pueden solicitar ese nà ºmero, cà ³mo se hace, cà ³mo se renueva y para quà © puede ser utilizado y para quà © no.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden solicitarel ITIN? Pueden solicitar el ITIN personas en distintas situaciones. Por ejemplo, los extranjeros que residen habitualmente fuera de Estados Unidos pero que està ¡n obligados presentar sus planillas de impuestos federales. Por ejemplo, inversionistas o empresarios de otros paà ­ses que tienen dinero invertido o un negocio en EE.UU. Otro grupo que puede solicitar el ITIN es el de extranjeros no residentes en Estados Unidos que pueden solicitar un beneficio fiscal al amparo de un tratado internacional. Asimismo, otro grupo que debe solicitar el ITIN es el los estudiantes internacionales que viven en Estados Unidos por un tiempo suficiente para ser considerados como residentes a efectos fiscales. Es muy importante entender que esto no los convierte en residentes a efectos de inmigracià ³n, es decir, no por eso pueden obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente. Sin embargo, si el IRS considera a un extranjero como residente a efectos de pagar impuestos, pues debe hacerlo. Otro grupo de personas para los que es conveniente tener un ITIN es el conformado por cà ³nyuges e  hijos dependientes de ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales que no pueden sacar la tarjeta del seguro social. Un ejemplo de esta situacià ³n es el caso de esposos u otros dependientes que viven habitualmente fuera de Estados Unidos. Es conveniente que esas personas tengan un ITIN cada uno porque de esta manera los ciudadanos y los residentes permanentes  pueden desgravar por ellos como dependientes cuando presentan la planilla la planilla de los impuestos. Asimismo, pueden solicitar el ITIN el cà ³nyuge y los hijos dependientes de las personas con una visa temporal. Un caso muy tà ­pico es el de la visa H-1B para profesionales y modelos que permite a cierto grupo de extranjeros trabajar en EEUU y estar acompaà ±ados en el paà ­s por su familia inmediata, pero estos no pueden trabajar ni obtener un SSN.  El camino para obtener posibles beneficios fiscales desgravando por dependientes a la hora de declarar ingresos es identificando con un ITIN a dichos dependientes. El ITIN es muy frecuentemente solicitado por los migrantes indocumentados. La razà ³n es que por ley està ¡n obligados a pagar impuestos por sus ingresos en Estados Unidos, aunque no tienen permiso para trabajar legalmente.   Algunos migrantes sienten miedo porque temen que el ITIN puede ser utilizado por las autoridades migratorias para localizarlos pero esto no es asà ­. Segà ºn la Seccià ³n 6103 del Cà ³digo del IRS, las autoridades fiscales no està ¡n autorizadas a proveer informacià ³n sobre quià ©n paga impuestos a ninguna otra agencia del gobierno.   Hay dos excepciones a esa regla. En primer lugar, cuando el Departamento de Tesoro investiga un posible fraude fiscal y, en segundo lugar, cuando existe una orden judicial para que el IRS revele esos datos porque se està ¡ realizando una investigacià ³n. Finalmente, tambià ©n pueden solicitar el ITIN personas en estatus migratorio legal pero que no pueden solicitar, por el momento, un SSN como, por ejemplo, algunas và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica. Informacià ³n bà ¡sica del ITIN El ITIN se creo en 1996 y es un nà ºmero compuesto por nueve dà ­gitos. Siempre comienza por el nà ºmero 9 y en el cuarto lugar aparece el nà ºmero 7 o el 8. En la actualidad, el ITIN tiene una validez de cinco aà ±os. Segà ºn datos del IRS, cada aà ±o fiscal mà ¡s de cuatro millones de personas utilizan el ITIN para presentar su planilla de impuestos, conocida en EE.UU. como tax returns pagando casi 14 mil millones de dà ³lares. Segà ºn datos del centro de estudios Taxation and Economic Policy, ubicado en Washington D.C. aproximadamente el 50 por ciento de los indocumentados en EE.UU. paga tax returns utilizando un ITIN.  ¿Cà ³mo se solicita el ITIN por primera vez? El ITIN se puede solicitar  por correo enviando la solicitud utilizando la planilla W7. Ademà ¡s, debe incluirse la planilla de impuestos y  documentos originales o certificados por la autoridad que los emite y  que prueben su identidad y su condicià ³n de extranjero.  Si se envà ­an documentos originales, estos serà ¡n devueltos en 60 dà ­as desde que se recibià ³ la solicitud. La direccià ³n a la que enviar la solicitud  desde EE.UU. o desde otro paà ­s e: Internal Revenue ServiceAustin Service CenterITIN OperationP.O. Box 149342Austin, TX 78714-9342 Pero una forma mà ¡s fà ¡cil y conveniente de solicitar el ITIN cerrando una cita con  un agente autorizado  algunos de los cuales està ¡n ubicados fuera de los Estados Unidos (Acceptance Agent) o visitando un  Centro de Asistencia al Contribuyente  (TACs, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), donde una persona especializada podrà ¡ ayudar  en este proceso y  verificar la autenticidad de los documentos.   Si necesita ayuda especà ­fica para su caso para solicitar el ITIN, ademà ¡s de poder acudir a los TACs  se puede marcar al 1-800-829-1040. Documentos admisibles para acompaà ±ar la solicitud del ITIN Para solicitar el ITIN debe probarse la identidad del solicitante y su carà ¡cter de extranjero. Se admiten 13 documentos entre los que se encuentran: pasaporte, cà ©dula de identificacià ³n, licencia de manejar de EEUU o del paà ­s de origen, partida oficial de nacimiento para menores de 18 aà ±os, ID card de un estado estadounidense, visa, tarjeta militar americana o extranjera o la tarjeta de votante extranjero. Para que cualquiera de estos documentos sea admisible es necesario  presentar el original o copia certificada por la entidad que los emite. Otra opcià ³n es verificarlos en un TACs o con un Acceptance Agent. Ademà ¡s, no pueden estar expirados  y que en ellos debe aparecer  claramente el nombre del solicitante,  una foto del mismo y deben servir como prueba de su carà ¡cter de extranjero. Cuà ¡nto tiempo se demoraen procesarse el ITIN En general, se recibirà ¡ el nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal dentro de las seis semanas siguientes a haber formulado la peticià ³n, siempre y cuando la aplicacià ³n està © completa y no falte ningà ºn documento. Si no se recibe contestacià ³n en ese plazo de tiempo se puede llamar gratuitamente al telà ©fono seà ±alado anteriormente para averiguar sobre el estado del trà ¡mite. Expiracià ³n del ITIN y su renovacià ³n En la actualidad, todos los ITIN son và ¡lidos solamente por cinco aà ±os. Se renuevan de la misma forma que se solicitan por primera vez. La à ºnica diferencia es que al renovar no hay que presentar un tax return. Ademà ¡s, cabe destacar que si el ITIN pierde validez automà ¡ticamente si no se utiliza por tres aà ±os consecutivos.   Si se presenta un tax returns con el ITIN caducado, la declaracià ³n de impuestos se va a tramitar pero no se tendrà ¡n en cuenta exenciones o crà ©ditos solicitados ni tampoco se devolverà ¡ dinero al contribuyente al que le corresponderà ­a mientras no se presente un ITIN và ¡lido.    ¿Para quà © puede utilizarse el ITIN y para quà © no? A pesar de ser un nà ºmero  emitido oficialmente por una agencia del Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos, el ITIN no puede utilizarse como identificacià ³n ni, en ningà ºn caso, como un sustituto del nà ºmero social.  Ã‚   Nunca jamà ¡s el ITIN prueba de que se està ¡ autorizado para trabajar. No es uno de los documentos admitidos en la planilla I-9  que se completan al comenzar a trabajar en una empresa. Ademà ¡s, si la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a utiliza el sistema e-verify, serà ­a evidente que no se tiene permiso para trabajar. El pago de impuestos con un ITIN no da derecho a solicitar el crà ©dito fiscal que se conoce como Earned Income Tax Credit  (EITC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), y que es el mà ¡s solicitado por las familias trabajadores de bajos ingresos. Tampoco se puede obtener beneficios del sistema del seguro social ni de Medicare, a pesar de haber contribuido con los impuestos a esos fondos. El ITIN se utiliza para pagar impuestos, porque es una obligacià ³n que establece la ley. Tambià ©n se usa porque brinda algunos beneficios. Por ejemplo, las personas que pagan impuestos con un ITIN pueden solicitar un Child Tax Credit por sus hijos dependientes, con un mà ¡ximo de $2.000 por menor. Sin embargo en la actualidad se requiere que dichos dependientes tengan un nà ºmero del seguro social propio. Ademà ¡s, cuando un migrante cambia de estatus migratorio, el pago de impuestos con ITIN podrà ­a servir para probar aà ±os de residencia en el paà ­s. Asimismo, podrà ­a dar derecho a contabilizar los pagos ya hechos a Medicare y al sistema del seguro social una vez que ya tiene un nà ºmero social.  Este punto, debido a su carà ¡cter delicado, es aconsejable consultarlo con un abogado. Tambià ©n da derecho el ITIN a poder abrir una cuenta de banco que genera interà ©s. Finalmente, algunos estados listan el ITIN como uno de los documentos que puede presentarse para probar identidad a la hora de solicitar una licencia de manejar o un I.D. de identificacià ³n. Puntos Bà ¡sicos: El ITIN y su utilizacià ³n El ITIN es un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal que emite el IRS, una agencia del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos.Pueden solicitarlo las personas que no tienen derecho a un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social pero tienen que pagar impuestos en EE.UU. o pueden ser personas dependientes de otras por las que se desgrava, y es que el fin del ITIN es pagar impuestos y para desgravar, aunque algunas desgravaciones no aplican con el ITIN.No es una identificacià ³n, no da permiso para trabajar legalmente en EE.UU ni tampoco sirve para probar o ganar estatus migratorio alguno.En la actualidad, el ITIN es và ¡lido por cinco aà ±os, despuà ©s debe renovarse. Ademà ¡s, caduca si no se utiliza por tres aà ±os consecutivos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - 1245 Words

An exceptionally tall, Native American, Chief Bromden, trapped in the Oregon psychiatric ward, suffers from the psychological condition of paranoid schizophrenia. This fictional character in Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest struggles with extreme mental illness, but he also falls victim to the choking grasp of society, which worsens Bromden’s condition. Paranoid schizophrenia is a rare mental illness that leads to heavy delusions and hallucinations among other, less serious, symptoms. Through the love and compassion that Bromden’s inmate, Randle Patrick McMurphy, gives Chief Bromden, he is able to briefly overcome paranoid schizophrenia and escape the dehumanizing psychiatric ward that he is held prisoner in. The background of†¦show more content†¦As a part of the Army, Chief fought in World War II. It is very possible that Post-traumatic Stress Disorder could have been a contributing factor to his schizophrenia. However, it is unclear what exactly caused the onset of Bromden’s mental illness. There is no doubt that a combination of dominating forces including the government, his mother, and the Army caused Chief’s schizophrenia. â€Å"I’m the one been here the longest, since the Second World War... Longer’n any of the other patients† (18). Chief began to experience schizophrenia and was admitted to the Oregon psychiatric ward right after the war so it appears that the war was a contributing factor in his breakdown. The symptoms that Chief Bromden experiences are clearly representative of paranoid schizophrenia. The two most significant symptoms that Chief experiences are hallucinations and delusions. Bromden is absolutely convinced that the hospital, and the rest of the combine, is run by machinery. This is because he studied electronics in college, â€Å"I walk over to the technical section..books I recognize..I remember inside the books are full of schematic drawings and equa tions and theories† (182). The knowledge that Bromden’s brain has about electronics allows him to create outlandish delusions and hallucinations. â€Å"I see her sit in this web of wires like a watchful robot, tend her network with mechanical insect skill, know everyShow MoreRelatedOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest875 Words   |  3 Pages In â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest† by Ken Kesey, Nurse Ratched symbolizes the oppression of society through archetypal emasculation. The male patients at the ward are controlled, alienated and forced into submission by the superior female characters. Throughout the novel, there is a constant fear of female superiority; Randle McMurphy, the sexually empowered male protagonist, states how they are essentially being castrated. Castration, in the novel, symbolizes the removal of freedom, sexualRead MoreEssay On One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest1487 Words   |  6 PagesWard Power is defined as the controlling entity that cannot be escaped from those who are less superior. In Ken Kesey’s novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, there is an evident theme shown throughout particular instances of how power can turn into something catastrophic. From this novel, many characters undergo highs and lows of this concept. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest tells a story through the perspective of Chief Bromden. The setting takes place in a mental institution located in Oregon, whereRead More One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay864 Words   |  4 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Written by Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was published in 1967 by Penguin Books. This story was written based on the author’s experience while working in a mental institution. He held long conversations with the inmates in order to gain a better understanding of them. It was during this period that he wrote the first draft of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Most of the characters in the novel are based upon actual patients he met while working atRead MoreOne Flew over the Cuckoos Nest2390 Words   |  10 Pages3 May 2011 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest In the novel, â€Å"One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest,† by Ken Kesey, the book has a lot of meaning, symbolism, and imagery. This book has been criticized by many around the country and has even been considered to be banned in high schools nationwide. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is seen as obscene, racist, immoral, and sexist to some eyes. It does have some bizarre language, and some obscene scenes, but every great literature attempts to give anRead MoreOne Flew over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey1137 Words   |  4 Pages In 2010 one in five Americans experienced some sort of mental illness, and only about 60 percent of people with mental illness get treatment each year1. In the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, by Ken Kesey, the wrong people seem to be getting the treatment. The novel is the story of a gambling addictive man, Randle Patrick McMurphy, who is a committed mental patient, serving out his time as an â€Å"Acute† instead of a Prisoner . Ultimately, the story tells of how insanity can be broughtRead MoreTheme Of Women In One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest1766 Words   |  8 Pages One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest In the 1960s the views of women were not as they are today. For centuries women have been objectified and not treated as equals, only being viewed as property or looked at for their physical features. Ken Kesey the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, with the character McMurphy, learned towards the superiority of the male sexuality over female authority (123 Helpme). The women in the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest are portrayed as weak, sex objects,Read MoreOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. Essay668 Words   |  3 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a controversial novel that has left parents and school authorities debating about its influence on students since its publication in 1962. The novel describes the inner workings of a mental institution, how the patients are emasculated and mistreated by the terrifying Nurse Ratched, who will go to any length to control them. But in comes McMurphy, a criminal who chose to go to an asylum rather than serve physical labor; he disrupts the order of the hospital withRead MoreOne Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Research Paper1764 Words   |  8 PagesDrugs and Insanity Against Society The author of the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Ken Keasey, received his inspiration for the book while volunteering at a veterans hospital. This is where he was first introduced to LSD. The moment he tried it, he became addicted, and began experimenting on himself with the drugs, observing the effects. The novel deals with the tyrannical rule of head Nurse Ratched in a mental hospital somewhere in Oregon. She runs all business and daily life in the asylumRead MoreOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey1916 Words   |  8 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Ken Kesey Final One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey, was a very successful novel which was impactful on the world in the past, and still is today. Ken Kesey, a big believer in individuality and the freedom to be oneself, brought new meaning to the world of psychiatry that changed treatments forever. This book didn’t just affect American society, it had a global impact. All around the world there are people that are admitted into mental institutionsRead MoreOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey580 Words   |  2 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is an enthralling book which depicts the lives of the insane and their struggles regarding the authority of a healthcare facility ward. The healthcare facility ward develops into a restaurant of disobedience while the wise-guy hero, attempts to reform the establishment while dignifying individuals within. The story is written in the first person perspective by Chief Bromden a big client that is sharing his psychologi cal facility experience. He is a man who has actually

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Using Healthcare Data For Decision Making

Question: Discuss about the Using Healthcare Data For Decision Making. Answer: Introduction The information in the healthcare profession is consistently monitored in terms of data quality, coding and documentation so as to provide an assurance of compliance and reimbursement of the healthcare standards. As the cost to healthcare rise it causes an increase to consumer needs, and also emergence of the new consumer needs. It is vital for the industrial healthcare profession to ensure there is an evaluation of trends and development of healthcare systems. The systems are supposed to be efficient and effective as well as affordable both for the healthcare providers and the consumers. Good decision making should be based on the accuracy of quality information. The healthcare professionals are diligently making sure that the information it is critical for the future of the healthcare providers. The healthcare providers generate and collect data for making good decisions. There is an increase of data collection which requires an automatic way for it to be extracted, when it is needed (Hesse, et al. 2011). When using data for decision making it is very possible to find a clear and precise decision which is useful for healthcare departments. Using data for decision making is very useful in controlling consumers limitations such as error and subjectivity due to fatigue, and also provision of clear indications for decision making process. The essence of using data in the healthcare sector is an indication for models, relations and patterns which provide support for the process of decision making such as treatment planning and diagnoses. These models are predictive, and integrated into the hospitals information systems as models for decision making, which is a way of reducing subjectivity. Therefore, this paper will discuss the method of using the healthcare data for decision making, the results or the findings of the method, discussion and recommendation behind the method and conclusion. Background The research analysis is based on data researched and presented by Australian UTS Online Public Hospital located in New South Wales. The aim of report is to use healthcare data in addressing issues related to diabetes Mellitus and come up with proper decision (Assal, 2013). This disease is known as diabetes which involves a group of metabolic diseases that have a high blood sugar level. Using healthcare data for decision making is important when giving a report on how diabetes has spread in Australia (Hibbard, Slovic and Jewett, 2009). Currently in Australia, there is no national healthcare data for measuring and monitoring the trends of diabetes mellitus. The data and information produced is based on the report of Australian public Hospital. This hospital addresses issues related to diabetes mellitus. Between 1989-90 the percentage of those reported suffering from diabetes mellitus doubled from 1.5% to 4.2%, however, the rate remained constant in the year 2007-2008. Therefore, in this paper the analysis will be based on the UTS hospital data which will help the Australia to totally eradicate diabetes mellitus (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009). The online UTS report released early 2016 indicated that the diets of the Australians are going downward, as junk food was reported the main cause of diabetes mellitus (Gracey and King, 2009). This raised the countrys score up 10 points; this would help the country moderate against growing lifestyle diseases such as heart diseases and regulate increased rate of obesity (Kopelman, 2013) Current Prevalence and incidence of diabetic mellitus in Australia Current admission and the length of stay Table 1: Showing admissions and length of stay Demographic With Diabetes Without diabetes No. of those participated 23, 779 239, 703 Admissions Total no. of admissions 16,692 107,343 Daily 10,231 75,197 One day 6,460 32,145 No. of those admitted All 7,807=32.8 57,970 =24.2 First 1 event 1,034 =4.3 7,752 =3.2 Principle cause 710 =3.0 - Diabetes as ACSC2 1,744 =7.3 - The above table 1 shows the rate of admission diabetic mellitus in Australia was 9.0% of23,779. The rates for admission of the participants, 454.48 and 631.3 every 1000 and total mean of the length of stay was 7.1 and 8.2 for those without and with respectively. Both the patient the risk was related to household income, gender, BMI, age, smoking and physical activities. In current trend Diabetes is an epidemic disease, it is the biggest challenge faced by Australian health institutes (Zimmet, Alberti and Shaw, 2015). This disease is one of the chronic diseases in Australia such as cancer and heart diseases that are growing very fast. All the types of diabetes are increasing in frequency, for example type 1 diabetes accounts for about 10% increase, type 2 accounts for 85% and gestation diabetes is also increasing in pregnant women (Moses, et al. 2011) ii) Approaches used in decreasing the length of stay Patients with crucial problems or those who do not respond well in terms of glucose control to the initial treatment regime should get referred to special diabetic staff. In order to reduce the length of stay in hospital of diabetic patients, there has to be specific protocols drawn for those patients admitted due to acute diabetes. The diabetic patients undergo basic assessment which is done by the nurses (De Berardis, et al. 2012). The assessment is important, because those patients who have stable diabetes normally are not seen unless their situations start to deteriorate. This allows the nurses to take care of the weak patients and not stable dietetically. This reduces their time of stay in the hospitals. However, where there is consistency among the specialists it clearly suggests that the post itself will bare good effects. The objective of the post is to ensure that diabetic patients have good control during their stay in the hospital (Aro, 2013). As a result of this effect, there is education such as dietary advice, for the diabetic patients according to every patient needs, with appropriate equipments (Holmes, et al. 2014). Data analysis plan of the UTS Below is the data analysis for the Australian healthcare for decision making. The tables clearly illustrates individuals characteristics relevant to diabetes mellitus Table 2: UTS data analysis of the profile surgical patients profile Diabetes No diabetes participants 23,779 % 239,703 % Gender Male 13,393 56.3 108,589 45.3 Female 10,386 43.7 131,114 54.7 Age group 45-59 6,698 28.2 115,733 48.3 60-74 11,143 46.9 86,102 35.9 75 5,935 25.0 37,850 15.8 Table 2 above summarizes that those who had diabetes were male who are aged between 65 to 74 years. The men were born in a foreign country, not completed the 10th year of schooling, they live a commune which is disadvantaged and have domestic income of $20,000 when compared to those without. Those without were likely to be less obese, heart disease, depression. iii) Diagnosis of secondary and primary Table 3: Showing secondary and primary diagnoses profile With Diabetes without diabetes No. of participants 23, 779 % 239, 703 % Gender of participants Male participants 13, 393 56.3 108, 589 45.3 Female participants 10, 386 43.7 131, 114 54.7 Age of participants 45 to 59 6, 698 28.2 115, 733 48.3 60 to 74 11, 143 46.9 86, 102 35.9 75 5,935 25.0 37, 850 15.8 The above table 3 shows the rate of admission diabetic mellitus in Australia was 9.0% of 23,779. The admission rates for the participants were 454.48 and 631.3 per 1000 and total mean of the length of stay was 7.1 and 8.2 for those without and with respectively. Both the patient the risk was related to the household income, age, BMI, smoking, gender, physical activities and health. Findings The UTS found that the risk for hospitalization was as a result of smoking, gender, age, health, physical activity, wellbeing (Aro, et al. 2013). The risk was attenuated those who are older and had diabetes and they were likely to hypertension, obese, hyperlipidaemia, this enhanced those participants with diabetes mellitus were likely men, current smokers or those had depression. Dormant diabetes mellitus in adults slowly may develop like type 1 diabetes. According to the research done by healthcare providers who used healthcare data for decision making, diagnosis of diabetes mellitus mostly occurs after a period of 30 years. The beta cells are destroyed by immunity of the body. During diagnoses, those persons with autoimmune diabetes produce their own insulin, but most of them require insulin pumps to keep the blood sugar at the normal level. Discussion The UTS online hospital in Australia used healthcare data for decision making. The hospital observed that married diabetic patients had lower rate of metabolic syndrome and BMI as compared to widows or single patients. Moreover, those who stayed together with their spouses were 58% likely not to develop diabetic syndrome and 50% less to become overweight (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009) The finding existed even after there was an adjustment for diabetic duration, sex and age. The person who is in a state of singlehood risked being overweight, as result of metabolism especially in male patients (Yoshinobu, 2010, 2011). The finding provided a suggestion that there should be a social health care employed to help those single diabetic patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. This could help them understand how manage their own bodies well. According to the researchers, it was noted that there was lack of information relating to relationships between the spouses and the patients, and this was counted as possible confounder. Similarly, there were cultural differences according to this Australian study which could negatively affect the Australian population with this kind of diabetes. Using healthcare data for decision making is very important especially for those patients suffering from diabetic mellitus. According to the finding of Australian UTS online hospital, Diabetes mellitus is as a result of destruction of insulin producing cells called beta cells(Gracey and King, 2009).. Therefore, the unmarried women or widows according to the finding have a high rate of insulin cells destruction as compared to married men. The women who are prone to diabetic mellitus are severally likely to undergo surgery. Therefore, using healthcare data for decision making prevents more patients to under acute diabetes attack. When it comes to diabetic mellitus, the immune system is the one that protects the body from being infected by destroying viruses, bacteria and other harmful substances. But when it comes to the autoimmune diseases, cells of the body are attacked by the immune system. In type 1 diabetes mellitus, beta cell destruction takes place for quite some years, but its symptoms takes a short time to develop (Yoshinobu, 2010, 2011). According to the research done by the Australia UTS Online Hospital, type 1 diabetes mostly occurs in young adults and children, though it appears at any age. Time ago, type 1 diabetes was known as juvenile diabetes mellitus. Conclusion Using healthcare data for decision making contributes a lot to the rise of clear information or report concerning diabetes mellitus. It is important for the detection of the diabetes mellitus, improved survival of those people who have diabetes and the increase in public awareness about diabetes disease. Healthcare data for decision making is very important as discussed below (Heisler, et al. 2010) which include: The data tends to address medical issues. This is from different aspects of healthcare systems or departments such as pharmacy or radiology. The data is expected from all the healthcare organizations (Thorne, 2014).The data is aggregated into single information or a central system like warehouse for enterprise data. This makes it easier to access the data and makes it actionable. There is complexity in the data since as observed by the healthcare providers. The research done says that healthcare data for decision making has been in existence for quite some time and therefore scrubbed and standardized. But such type of data is referred to as incomplete data. Data from EMRs gives a more complete picture of the patients diabetes story (Tunis, Stryer and Clancy, 2008). Quality data analysis is one of the objectives of the healthcare institutions, though variability of data makes it a challenge to the healthcare sector.Finally, reporting and regulatory requirements are always increasing and evolving. Therefore, Healthcare departments need information which is quality so as to make a precise decision (Eichler et al. 2009). This will ensure transparency in providing information to the public such as pricing information. Therefore, healthcare data is an important factor and is it has advantages to the healthcare sector. The data is helpful especially in the making of decisions that are of great importance both for the consumers and nurse staff. The healthcare sector should always rely on the healthcare data while making decisions. References Aro, S., Kangas, T., Reunanen, A., Salinto, M and Koivisto, V., 2013. Hospital use among diabetic patients and the general population. Diabetes Care, 17(11), pp.1320-1329. Assal, J.P. and Groop, L., 2013. Definition, diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus and its complications. World Health Organization, pp.1-65. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009. Diabetes Prevalence in Australia: An Assessment of National Data Sources. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Working with Data Just Got Easier Converting Tabular Data into RDF Within GraphDB

Working with Data Just Got Easier: Converting Tabular Data into RDF Within GraphDB Teodora Petkova Exciting as the things GraphDB allows you to do (explore heterogenous datasets, build relationships between facts, uncover meaning inside unstructured data, infer new knowledge, to mention just a few), they all start with, to put it mildly, the not so inspiring task of cleaning your data and further transforming it into RDF.In practice, before the leaps of data-driven insights and actions come the heaps of inconsistent, unfiltered and heterogenous data that need to be cleaned up. For the data worker having to deal with these messy data is not unlike the fifth labor of Hercules where the hero gets the dirty job of cleaning the Augean Stables. Saving Time and Effort with GraphDB’s OntoRefine With plenty of tools for cleaning and conversion of data, the question of leveraging legacy data is not so much how to get these data transformed into interoperable and easy to query and integrate data pieces (read RDF the so-called backbone of the Semantic Web) but rather about how to do this with maximum productivity and minimum wasted effort.And this is where OntoRefine comes into play.OntoRefine is a new addition to GraphDB that allows you to do many ETL (extract, transform and load) tasks over tabular data through an intuitive user interface. Based on the open source tool for working with messy data   OpenRefine (formerly called Google Refine), and embedded in GraphDB, OntoRefine makes the process of filtering and editing inconsistent data easy and frictionless.To get back to the Augean Stables parallel, think of OntoRefine as the witty little tool of the brave data hero tasked with the dirty job of data cleanup and transformation.Before OntoRefine, to turn tabular into inte rlinked graph data, data had to be loaded in a tool, cleaned manually, further exported and then imported into another tool as to be transformed into RDF. Finally, after yet another import and export, the RDF dataset had to be loaded into GraphDB. With OntoRefine these processes can happen within GraphDB.Thus cleaning up and transforming a non-RDF dataset is a fast and easy process, leaving more time for the things that really matter: running queries to discover interesting relationships within data, integrating data in short, enjoying the full power of working with data as a graph.Key to what OntoRefine does is the heavy lifting of removing inconsistencies, filtering data simultaneously, converting them into RDF and then importing the dataset into the repository. OntoRefine can be used for converting tabular data into RDF and importing it into a GraphDB repository, using simple SPARQL queries and a virtual endpoint. The supported formats include various line-based files, TSV, CSV, *SV, XLS, XLSX, JSON, XML, RDF as XML, and Google sheet.From the vantage point of understanding the power of working with data as a graph, OntoRefine is a tiny yet important step toward thinking outside the table.Quick Facts About OntoRefineBased on OpenRefine.Embedded in GraphDB’s.Transforms data using SPIN functions.Allows cleaning up and transforming data without leaving the GraphDB Workbench.Supports the following formats: line-based files, TSV, CSV, *SV, XLS, XLSX, JSON, XML, RDF as XML, Google sheet.Get, Load, Clean, Import and Enjoy!To clean up and transform non-RDF data into RDF using OntoRefine, you need to pick a dataset, load it and process it, and then upload it to GraphDB. In the video below you can go through the details of the data cleanup and transformation process. The dataset selected and transformed is from data.amsterdam.nl and contains records of restaurants and cafes in and around Amsterdam, and was available as a CSV file.Watch the entire video to lear n:How to create an empty repository and connect to it;How to import a dataset, preview data and specify various parameters;How to create a project and start cleaning data;How to edit simultaneously cells containing a particular entry;How to apply filters by selecting a subset of possible values and how to edit all entries in a column;How to use a SPARQL Construct query to shape our data in a specified way.To dive even deeper into the technical details behind OntoRefine,   check: OntoRefine overview and features.More Business Value with Clean and RDF-ized DataFast and frictionless experience when cleaning up and RDF-izing within GraphDB means a smoother data processing workflow and above all saving time and effort for focusing on data modeling and analysis. With OntoRefine embedded in the latest version of GraphDB GraphDB 8, cleaning and transforming tabular data are brought together in one place to let those working with data tap into the full potential of handling data as a gra ph.See for yourself how easy and smooth the processes of data cleanup and transformation into RDF with OntoRefine are.